Saturday, June 5

Already June

It is already well into June and I haven't posted my lil monthly goal for May. Here we are... we put a timer on the camera and this is what we got. That would be Haini laughing at me for quickly running to the bed and falling off. Hilarious that my face is cut off. I love that because I have been pretty scary these days with summer and not doing my hair. eeek. Just glad that I got one shot of us all and I can say I did my goal.

As for this month, the bed is the best place to take a shot. Why? Because that is where all the action happens (and no I'm not talking about that kind of action)... I am talking about how usually we all sort of migrate to the bedroom. Then it happens. I look around and the T.V. is on. It is usually loud with Phineas and Ferb/Spongebob/Penguins of Madagascar/or Fanboy and Chum Chum and for the most part, nobody is watching it. Haini is laying in the lovesac while Sitani and Marley are bouncing on the bed. Haini is usually throwing balls or pillows at them while Sitani attempts to jump and catch them at the same time. They always play this game of dodgeball and you can usually hear them laughing and saying, "haha, you missed" or "daddy is a monkey". Elijah is usually off somewhere with something in his hand and he is hitting something with it like his crib. He is usually grunting, too. I am either cleaning up the room, taking pictures, or trying to seem intelligent with a book in my hand or writing down my infamous "to do" lists.
The bed is the place. It makes my kids happy in the winter when it is too cold to get outside. It makes me happy to see Haini playing funny games with them even if it usually ends in someone crying because they got hurt. It makes me happy to see us all smashed together in one room. That is why I honestly never want a BIG HOUSE. I do want a big yard but I don't want a big house. I don't want my kids to get lost in their rooms all by themselves. I like to be all together.

As far as my notes for this month,
-Marley's new thing is to ask me "Mommy, am I making you happy?" whenever she is doing what I ask. I love that she wants to make me happy.

-Sitani gave his first talk in Primary. He was soooooo excited to get to use the microphone.

-Sitani got an ear infection. He knew he had to get a shot. He kept crying in the doctors that he didn't want shotsess. In the midst of his terror, Marley kindly said, "Mommy, I like shotsess." Then I turned to her and said, "Okay, do you want to get a shot, Marley?" She was quiet and then she looked at me and shook her head and said, "No!" I said, "Okay that is what I thought."

-Marley has really taken a liking to being just like me and always trying to please me. She want her hair just like mine (Oh heavens no) and she is constantly wanting to sit by her at the table. I am just eating it up inside because I know someday she will wake up and realize her mom is one big dork. :) I hope that she still loves me, though.

-Sitani is seriously and I am totally serious, always bouncing. One day I asked him how come he always bounces around the house and he said, "My feet just always bounce, mom."

-One day he was talking really high and Haini said something like, "How come you are talking like a girl?" I heard Sitani say, "Daddy, my brain just talks like a girl." hahaha That was not quite the answer that Haini was looking for.

-Marley has become completely connected with her purse. She has been sleeping with it and carries it around even while dribbling her basketball at the gym. She collects all sorts of things and when she gets with her cousins she takes them out and shows them. It is really funny how it is always over her shoulder. I even hid one and she found another and just put more things inside.

-Sitani has to catch everything and if I throw something and he drops it, he will bring it back to me to throw again. This happens with laundry, toys, everything.

-Elijah is a mixture of Maley and Sitani. Sitani used to throw everything and Marley use to climb everything. Elijah does both. It is pretty scary how he tries to climb onto everything.

-Elijah loves to be outside but he hates to lay flat on the grass. He is like a cat and will spring over onto his hands and knees.

-Haini makes the best smoothies and avocado sandwiches.

-School is out and I am free. We don't sleep but play all day.

-One day I came home to Haini cleaning out all the cupboards and the oven. The next day he cleaned the bathroom. I was beginning to think he was pregnant or something. hahaha

-My first day of summer break, I cleaned out the closets and drawers and organized everything into baskets. It felt so awesome. That was all I wanted to get done this summer and I did it the first day. It felt good.

-Haini thinks that Elijah looks like Chum-Chum. The kids call him that every now and then.

-I shot over 3,000 photos last month. I have a camera attached to my hand at all times, like a robot or something.

-Grandpa Sau came and played a couple of days. He bought us a bunch of healthy food from Costco. Maybe, just maybe, we will lose some weight. hahaha

-Gracie got her mission call to Tampa, Florida. We are sooooo excited.

-We got to watch Filipo play basketball, Sami play soccer, and Nata play baseball. Glad that we have cousins close so we can watch their games.

-Another new month, we are looking forward to JUNE!!!



  1. Yesterday my therapist came and blue up a balloon and wanted me to take it to the reunion. Do you think Sitani and Marley will play with me?

  2. of course... they love anything shaped like a balloon. :) and they love grandpa, too!!!

  3. cute! i love the bouncy feet comment. so fun. :)
