Friday, April 3

Our Conversations Lately

While driving in the car...
Sitani: Mom, I wanna talk about cars.
Me:  Okay, what do you want to say about cars?
Sitani: Sitani wants a truck and Marley wants a car.

Another time, while driving (just Sitani, Marley and I) Sitani spotted a truck like Haini's.  
Sitani: Mom, look there's a Haini!!!

We were going somewhere together as a family.
Sitani: Mommy loves Sitani and Daddy loves Marley.
Me: Mommy and Daddy both love Sitani and Marley.
Sitani:  No, Marley is Daddy's baby.

One night after Marley had already gone to bed...
Me: Sitani, what do you want to name the baby?
Sitani: Sung*u*tu*ranga
Me: No, that is our last name.  We have to think of a first name.  What do you want to call the baby?
Sitani: Uhhhh... Sitani!!!
Me: But that is your name.  We already have a Sitani.
Sitani: No, I'm da big Sitani.  I'm 3 (while holding up 2 fingers)

This is what our home is like when Haini is home and blasting his music.  
(Does Marley ever wear any clothes? Seriously.)


  1. I don't know how you do it. Your babies are so cute.

  2. Haha say the darndest things huh. :) Sitani is so funny!

  3. Sitani is so cute! And yes, does Marley ever wear clothes? She is so cute!

  4. Three is a hard number to make with your fingers when you're only three. My Ethan has trouble with that one, too. He has to hold the ring finger up because he's not coordinated to make it stay up. What cuties you have! -

    Carly :]
