Monday, August 24

Mark & Laura Moved- BOOOO

Mark and Laura moved a couple weeks ago. We are missing them like crazy. We went over to their old place with Gracie and it just wasn't the same. There was no Uncle Mark outside working on his motorcycle or something. There was no Laura inside working on some new project and there wasn't a cute little Jace to play with. I think my kids finally realized that their lil cousin isn't coming back (for a while). This was a following conversation.
Sitani: Mom, where is Jace?
Me: Jace is in Arizona. It is far away like California. Do you miss Jace?
Marley: Yeah, I miss Jace.
Sitani: Mom, I miss Jace, too. I like him.

Oooh, I almost started crying when I thought of all the good times we have had living next to Mark and Laura. They have been there through two of our children's births not to mention watched Sitani grow up. Sitani will really miss his favorite uncle Mark. We will have to visit often so he can always know how neat Mark is (and get to know Jace as he grows up). I will especially miss Laura (my perfect more wiser younger sister). I just love how she never looks down on me and my weaknesses and just continues to inspire me. They truly are one of the most perfect couples I have ever met. (non judgmental, wise in their decisions, and just good good people). Aside from all of that, we are excited for them and their new adventure.
Jace got a new car seat and was ready for the long trip in the night.
These two thought they were going, too.
Gotta love the U-haul
One last good-bye.


  1. Grab Grace and come on up to the NW with us and James & Elizabeth!

  2. They will be missed but you will see good things will happen for them.

  3. I agree with Will. Come visit us. We will have lots of fun. We even have a spare bedroom.

    I miss Jace too.

  4. I couldn't agree more. Laura and Mark are a treasure and Jace melts my heart everytime I see him.

    By-the-way, I have a wise more perfect younger sister too. As Mary Poppins says, "Practicly perfect in everyway." You don't know how much I admire you in a million little ways. What a gem you are. Mom was just commenting on how you're the perfect parent for Sitani as we watched his skateboard debut. Those are her exact words.
