Friday, October 22

Questions and Thoughts

My kids are totally in the funniest stages. Everyday is something new with their limited vocabulary and sentence structures. Sitani asks the craziest questions from how the traffic lights work to how grass grows. Some of his questions I don't know how to answer. Thank goodness for google. :)

Here are some comments that I wrote down.

Marley: Princesses don't pick their noses.

Sitani: Dad, when I grow up, what kind of car am I gonna drive? hmmmm

Sitani: Daddy looks funny because he is losing weight.

Marley: Mom, when I grow up and when I have a baby, I'm not gonna throw up on my baby.

Sitani: While watching a commercial... Mom, we should buy Oxyclean so that you can be clean.

Sitani: My owie is angry

Sitani: (while wanting to go somewhere) Mom, the road likes it when we drive on it.

Sitani: I'm eating healthy each day but I'm still not growing bigger as Nata. (his older cousin)

Marley: (while driving as a family past a field of horses) Mommy, the horses taste yummy?
Haini has convinced them that we eat horse meat. rrrrrrr

One of my favorites.... Marley's sidewalk chalk art. LOVE IT!!!


  1. Kids say the darnest things!
    Art Linkletter

  2. haha my favorite is Marley saying that when she grows up and has a baby she isn't going to throw up on it. LOL

  3. Oh, that last comment was from me, I didn't realize Steve was signed in.

  4. ha!ha!ha! that was hilarious! Thanks for sharing those priceless moment :)
