Monday, October 13

I'm Losing It/Working Too Hard

You know you are a teacher when you tell your own kids (Sitani and Marley) to "line up."
You know you are a teacher when you tell your own kids to "sit on their pockets" in the grocery cart.
What the heck is happening to me? Mrs. Sugu has truly lost it.


  1. That is so funny!!! I have said to my kids, "boys and girls, be quite!" and I am not even a "real" teacher. We really have lost it Sugu.

  2. That is hilarious... You told your kids to line up.

  3. When you tell them to sit on their pockets on the ground "criss cross applesauce" then you can worry. Until then just take it in stride. They will be fine!

  4. Oh, my gosh....sooo true!! I would even talk to jon like one of my students and jon would say "brit i am not one of your students." It is so funny!

  5. Hehehe. You really are a teacher.
