Friday, August 28

Sitani the Skater-BOY

So everyone who has a little boy knows that they go through an "obsession cycle". One week it might be football and those little football guys, another week is all about cars, and then another could be an obsession with his transformer pajamas. Well, we are in the week of skateboarding. We have been here before and have managed to circle back around. Sitani is obsessed and wants to go to the skatepark every waking moment of his life. We have driven to watch a couple of times but it is always full of teenage skaters who know how to do these crazy tricks.
We finally made it over there when it was completely empty and full of space for a little 3 year old boy to be protected from flying skater-boys. He immediately tried the hardest slope (sorry I'm not familiar with skater language) Quickly he was down and looked up at me like he was shocked he had gone so fast and then fallen. He even got stuck in a slope pit and couldn't out. I had to pull him up with my arms. Marley had a blast, too. She was just running around crazy.
It was a fun time... now if we could just talk him into taking off those arm and knee pads. He has worn them from grocery shopping to cleaning his room. All I can say is that I just love my little boy. He thinks he can be anyone and do anything. I love it.
When I told him we had to go.. he said, "Mommy, the sun is going up and the moon is down?" I love how he thinks the sun goes up, up and away and that the moon is coming down.
We gotta try to explain the whole sun/moon thing to him someday.


  1. Looks like fun! How do you keep up with him?

  2. Sitani is soooo cool. We live right by a state park and every time we drive by there are tons of little kids and their razors just playing around. Sitani would fit in perfectly.

  3. oh my gosh! I love it! i can't believe he's totally skateboarding! how are you enjoying your time off? live it up girl!
