Monday, July 7


I remember in the summer when we would tell our mom that we were bored and she would say..."Only boring people get bored."  Well, Haini went on a pick up to Kansas and as you can tell, we are just lying around in bookshelves and stuff.  Actually, we are waiting for Marley (the 4 naps a day-girl) to wake up so we can go swimming.. Yipee!!!!  So if you are ever bored..go lay in your bookshelf and you'll find it quite entertaining.


  1. Kids find the funniest places to play. I remember growing up, my brother would climb onto the bottom shelf of the changing table & fall asleep. ~Wendy

  2. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    FOUR naps a day?! We're going through the torture of Apple trying to get down to one-a-day.

  3. SO thats what I need to do. I will just go the the local DI and buy myself a bookselves. That will keep me entertained lol!

  4. I feel like Jenni & I could use 4 naps a day.
