Friday, October 9

The AMAZING super-hero Dad

Today my husband did the dishes, put Marley's hair in a ponytail, took the kids to the gym for a couple of hours, fed and held Elijah, picked me up from work, and even cut the coupons out of the newspaper while searching KSL for a new mattress (ours is long gone). Although I HATE leaving my kids to go back to work, I am so blessed to know that he is such a good dad and they absolutely LOVE spending that time with him (especially Marley).
(It's getting to be that time of year again)
(Partyland football players... $3.00....Priceless)
Cosmo came to the school and SItani and MArley got to come. He picked up Sitani in the middle of this huge crowd of kids. It was cool to see how happy Sitani was.
I put Elijah sitting up on our couch and came back into the room to see this on his head.


  1. The look on Elijah's face in that last picture is Priceless!!

  2. Haha, I love his expression in the last picture!

  3. What a great dad! And what a blessing that you guys are able to work out your work schedules so that you don't have to leave the kids with babysitters. The only time I mind leaving Spencer is when I have to leave him w/other ppl, but if I left him w/Saia, I'd be good to be gone all day. :)

    Your kids are so cute!

  4. hahaha. I laughed so hard when I say Elijah's picture. Haini you Rock! If you ever want to come over to our place we could sure use use. hehehe.

    I love Sitani's love for football. I can't wait to have a little boy. so Fun.

    And Marley is the cutest girl on the planet. I just love her eyes.

  5. so fun! george and haini need to get together in the AMs... mainly so george can learn how to spend the time wisely w/his kids. lol
    oh, and i look forward to seeing the posts on :)
