Friday, July 16

That Family Goal Thing

In the rumbus of Haini, Marley, and Elijah's Birthdays, our 6 year Anniversary, the 4th of July, Gracie leaving for the MTC, weddings & birthdays, photo shoots, the family reunion, and all the other chaos of the summer... I totally managed to forget about this very important monthly post.
So here we go. June (if I can remember) was a total success!!!
Summer officially started and we spent hours and I mean the kind of all-day hours that last into the evenings at the PARK. This park should be named after us. I will never want to live by another park because I will constantly be comparing it to this one. It is the best park. We have played a lot of tennis, pushed a lot of swings, and scooted on scooters in this park. Not to mention the 100's of bbque's that have been eaten, sunday walks, and sprinkler runs.
We also made our first debut out of Utah County. Woohoo!!!
We went to Washington and it was a blast just to get in a car and go somewhere. I didn't mind the drive at all. It was gorgeous!!!
We also kept busy with cousins baseball and softball games. We love it!!!
June come back... you went too fast.
If I could live any month forever... it would be June. (summer is fresh and there is always that excitement of still having July and August to look forward to).

Here is the family picture. My sister Elizabeth took them for us. (never mind Haini's mullet-man hair-do).



  1. Sounds like a very busy and happy June. You sure did a lot

  2. I would say I love your pictures but I might sound a little cocky. hehehe

    Enjoy your summer.

  3. I love it! Very cute photos btw.

  4. Haini, congratulations on your accepance to the Police adamemy. I that you will do great.

    That you for all the respect you show me. You are most kind and wise. I really appreciate it!
