Tuesday, February 17


Sitani was playing around in the fridge.
Me: Sitani, what are you doing?
Sitani: I'm making coffee.  
Me: What ? (I was so shocked)  Sitani we don't drink coffee.  It is bad for our bodies.  How do you even know about making coffee anyway?
Sitani:  hhmmm. Oohh... okaaaay and then he walked away.

It is amazing what your kids pick up. I still have no idea where he got this one from.

P.S. He was also making pancakes in the bathtub.

Also, yesterday my camera finally came back in the mail. Sitani was so excited when I got it out. I heard him yell, "Mom, look at me."  I  turned around and he was in this pose. 
and then this one...
and then this one...
I think I've created a CHEESER here. 


  1. Haha that was toooo funny! What a poser! :)

  2. Niiiiice! By the way, when do you find out what you're having?

  3. I love it. Pancake in the bat tub, sounds like a great tittle for a kids book.
    I love the fist picture. soooo cute

  4. That is awesome! I love your kids. By the way...When Jessica was two or three years old she came home from church and proudly displayed her favorite foods on the "Heavenly Father Gave Me Healthy Food To Eat" chart that she had cut from magazines and pasted together....Right in the center was Coffee ice cream, Coffee drinks, and Coffee beans. I asked her why she had put coffee on there because it is so bad for us. She said "That's not Coffee, It's Hot Chocolate! Yummy Ice Cream and Chocolate Candies Candies!" OKAY! My sweet little sugar baby!
