Thursday, February 19

Marley's Prayer

So I need to make sure I always write things down because if any of you know me, you know that I have the worst memory ever... just ask Haini.  (I can remember every outfit that Haini wore for the first 6 or 7 dates we went on but I couldn't tell you what I did last week.)  So tonight Sitani was helping Marley to say her prayers. I was cracking up at this little 2.5 year old leading my 1.5 year old in a prayer.  I just remember the ending of it (bad memory---like I said).

Sitani: Bless Grandpa Thomas
Marley:  Gramp Tee-ssss
Sitani: Bless us to be nice
Marley:  Nice
Sitani: Help us to go to bed
Marley:  Go to bed
Sitani: Help us wake up
Marley: wake up
Sitani: and please bless the GYM
Marley: bess gym
Sitani:  (in the excited I did it voice) Jesus Christ, AMEN!!!
Marley: Amen (followed by clapping)

Apparently the GYM has been added to our list of things to bless.  Last night he blessed his basketball.  What will be next?  Maybe he should bless his mom's chocolate cravings. 


  1. He can pray for us anytime. I think the Lord must really listen to those sweet prayers. Good going Sitani and Marley.

  2. Can they pray for my chocolate addiction & my carbivore ways of life! hahaha I simply <3 ur kids & I think they are finally getting used to me!!! :]

  3. Amen to Thanks for sharing the prayer with us that is way too cute!

  4. this is very cute, I totally love it!
